"My Call to Europe"

For me, for them, for the world. A testimony from a British worker in Spain.
Why Europe for me? An act of obedience!
The Potter said to this lump of clay, “My plan for you is Europe.” I had followed Him to Africa and Latin America, now to Europe. I could be anywhere in the world, but I want to do the will of the Father, and
He said “Europe!”
Why Europe for them? The need!
Everyone of us is broken. We live in a broken world, and we struggle to make sense of it. In many countries people see their need for a higher power due to a lack of resources, or lack of freedom. In Europe, we provide material substitutes for our core needs, masking our spiritual need to look to God to provide, yet we remain broken and unsatisfied. There is a need to show that Jesus is with us in our brokenness. He says, “Come as you are and I will restore you”; to Him, to yourself and to others. He rewrites our definitions: weak becomes strong in Him; being rich becomes about spiritual wealth rather than material possessions; success means to be still, lie in green pastures and get to know Him and His love. It’s the answer people are looking for, but often they are unaware that they are searching for the Kingdom they were designed for.
Why Europe for the world? The potential!
Europe now includes people of all nations. If we reach them, they can reach their home nation in a culturally relevant way. Those living in Europe also have a wealth of cultural experiences, education and finances that can be invested in building God´s Kingdom here on earth, making disciples of all nations.
Do you want to go? Click here to find out more.
- Jules Mercer-Wilson, ECMer serving Spain
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