Sebastian & Glorija Forjan
Patrik, Samuel, Izak
We want to see Slovene people find the true hope in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that they will follow him as his true disciples who make disciples.

Sebastian and Gloria feel that when they see youth and their parents living in a mess they can’t just ignore it because they know who can help them and restore their life.
It always breaks their hearts to see and hear people making bad choices and listening to lies. When people make decisions to know the Lord and become Jesus’ disciples, it is one of the Forjans biggest joys to see broken people restored in front of their eyes. People in their town usually long for materialistic things because they think that this will bring them joy and satisfaction. They are always disappointed.
Sometimes they are open for “new” religious things, but after some time they are left empty again. It is Stephen's and Gloria's prayer that people will open their heart to a loving God and Father and start one of the biggest adventures with Him. It is worth every second.