David & Linda James
It is amazing what people who say they don't believe really believe. Lord, open their eyes!

As Human Resources specialist on the International Leadership Team, David is developing all HR systems and practices, in order to enhance and maximise ECM's capacity for church planting in Europe.
He works widely with ECM teams and other gifted, experienced, or innovative people to shape ministries in order to maximise their effectiveness. He promotes growth in teams and individual workers through mentoring, training and supporting, and challenging co-workers.
Locally David and Linda support youth and adult ministry by mentoring a number of young leaders. They facilitate evangelistic outreach to young people in Villach and elsewhere using the Teebus and sports events.
Linda supports David in much of what he does and also works bi-vocationally as a technical author.
They invest time into building supportive relationships with people they come into contact with in everyday life (especially their neighbours and Linda's work colleagues) and share Christ's love with them in this way.
Guildford Baptist Church guildfordbaptist.org
St. John's, Stoke, Guildford stjohns-stoke.co.uk